Mom guilt…I haz it

So let me start by re-introducing myself:

Hi, I’m the woman who started a blog with these high aspirations to blog and share and let the internet see the sarcasm that lives in me. Well I started blogging and quickly realized how uninteresting my life is! It’s not really I just can’t seem to organize the thoughts tumbling around my skull down onto paper.

Anyways now that I am totally off track from where I started (see that tumbling skull thing I’m talking about) let me get to my actual blog post: MOM GUILT!

Mom guilt: the belief that you are always doing something wrong, or not doing enough, or letting someone down, and on and on and on.

I am a stay at home mom, I love my job. I love that we are in a position that I am able to stay home and watch my kid grow. My husband loves the fact that I can stay home he says he likes knowing who is taking care of his kid and he doesn’t have to worry (I do enough of that for both of us anyway!), but with this gig comes an immense amount of mom guilt.

*Disclaimer I know working mama’s experience mom-guilt I’ve read many a blog post and I can say I do not envy your position (except on days when I have a tantruming 2-year-old! I would clean port-a-potties on those days)

I seem to feel guilty no matter what I do and it’s days like todays that it all comes to a head and I feel like I can’t do anything correctly or make anyone happy so I would like to crawl under a rock.

Here are some of the reasons I feel guilty all the time, feel free to play along in the woah is my game 🙂

First off the fact that I’m a SAHM. I know my husband doesn’t care that he is the only one bringing home a paycheck, but I do there are days when he works really late or has to go out-of-town when I think if I worked he wouldn’t have to work so hard. (he would but tell my brain that) I also sometimes feel like I am wasting my very expensive education but that is a whole other blog post.

Another issue is time, THERE IS NONE, where does it all go I feel like I’m in some type of worm hole where there is less than 24 hours in the day! I spend very little time away from Cooper and when I do I feel awful like I should be with him ALL THE TIME it makes me crazy. I’m home with him all day and hen my H comes home and offers me a break I don’t take it because I feel bad that hes’ been at work all day. I also started weight watchers 2 months ago (20 pounds woot woot) and I wanted to start going to the gym to ramp up my weight loss, yet I can’t get over the guilt of taking time for myself. We belong to the Y so there is an awesome kid’s room where they can play while a parent works out, but I cannot leave him there. I know he would love playing with other kids and new toys but I feel bad putting my kid in childcare just so I can run on the treadmill!

I’m soo sorry my first post back is all poor me, it’s really not like me but I think I just needed to vomit my words to a bunch of strangers as a bit of therapy.

Do you experience mom guilt? What do you do to deal with it?

I promise my next post will be all puppies and rainbows, it will be Cooper’s 2nd birthday post!

See now I feel guilty for using part of nap time to blog oh the agony!!

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1 Response to Mom guilt…I haz it

  1. Monica Ryman says:

    I have the SAME feelings with the Mom Guilt!!! It’s frustrating. I just graduated college and would like to use my degree but right now I am a stay at home mom. As much as I would love to stay home each and every day, we can’t afford it because of both of our student loans. Also, I might go insane… I also want to go workout but I feel guilty about having my own time for something like that. I know it’s good and we need our own time but guilt comes regardless! Thanks for sharing… Now I know I’m not alone!

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