Snow, snow, go away! please?

Ok let me start by saying I know Winter is virtually over and I’m sure  Spring is in the air for some of you (lucky!) but that is not the case here. After 1 nice day and by nice I mean it was 45 and rainy, we were hit by 20 inches of snow!!!

So needless to say we won’t be playing outside anytime soon, and I feel like I have used up all my creativity for one winter. I don’t know what to do to keep my 18 month old entertained anymore. We’ve colored,painted, play-dohed (is that a word lol?) built with blocks, it feels like we have done it all!

Which means I am crying out for your help, all you super creative moms (and dads) out there what are you guys doing to entertain your little ones? I will take any suggestion just not the ones that say go out in the warm sunshine and play! Grrrr Mother Nature I have a beef with you!

Suggest away

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1 Response to Snow, snow, go away! please?

  1. Ado says:

    Hey, play-dohed is a word! Of course it’s a word!
    Hmm – things to do:
    1. Practice the fine art of negligent parenting – I always find that great creativity comes after great boredom. Sometimes it can result in big messes though.
    2. Melt crayons in cupcake pan in the oven to make your own wild round crayons?

    And uh, that’s about it – only two tricks up my sleeve. When all else fails I always have an emergency backup place to go such as the indoor pool, a friend’s house for a play date, or even just the grocery store.

    Hang in there Spring’s a’comin…1

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